Summary of Donations to Hampshire Asbestos Support & Awareness Group (HASAG)

Hasag 2011 - Charity Registration No: 1122105. Registered Office:79 Radstock road Southampton SO19 2HT. HASAG is a completely independent, campaigning organisation. HASAG hope they can achieve the kind of support, guidance and information they feel everyone should be entitled to. Mum suffered from Mesothelioma, which is a form of cancer of the pleura (lining) of the lung rather than the lung itself.Virtually all mesotheliomas are caused by exposure to asbestos. Tragically, even small amounts of exposure to asbestos can cause mesothelioma.It can lie dormant 40 30-50 years. The HASAG team visited Mum whilst she was ill several times & shared their knowledge, support & help. For this we would like to show our appreciation as Mum did too.

Offline donations: £0.00
Notes to the above:

Offline donations include cash, cheques and any other donations paid directly to the fundraising organisation. This offline donation total is updated periodically by the Tribute Guardian in conjunction with the fundraising organisation.