Fundraising Coffee/Craft Day

2011 August 13

Created by Yvie 12 years ago
Thanks to Serena for having a coffee/ craft day in Memory of Mum at her house on 13/08/2011. We raised £254.00 selling gorgeous cakes made by Serena, oodles of tea & coffee served by Lynne & Lesley & Mum's bobbins, books, patterns, bags, tools & craft sets were sold by Francis, who would give Lord Sugar a run for his money with her selling prowess! I met many of the lovely ladies who Mum met & spent time with at her Lace groups and those ladies who she became firm friends with over the years trying out new crafts of Tatting & Beading alongside Lace. These particular lovely ladies, with Mum, were more like the ‘Golden Girls’ I think! Meeting up weekly to have a good natter, share problems, have a laugh & also try out new crafts, creating some fantastic things. On Saturday the day started with a rather frantic morning, with an early start for us all, setting up the tables & chairs, arranging the sales table of Mum’s things, filling the tea urn, getting the cups & saucers ready and labelling all the amazing cakes Serena had been baking the day before. We had a good attendance of ladies and a couple of token hubby’s that were dragged along, but did pay their £1.00 for tea & a slice of cake! The sun was out & the sales went well. Come the afternoon the ladies who stayed kicked back, got out their packed lunches & craft work & passed away the afternoon chatting whilst sewing, or beading, knitting or doing lace. All sorts were chatted about! Including men, clubs, new craft patterns, people they knew, sugar levels & foods that help different ailments, stories of Mum, the riots that had happened, good parenting skills the list goes on.. I also learnt about Speed rambling & Speed dancing! But that’s for another time! It was lovely to be a part of it all & I could imagine Mum being there in the thick of all the different conversations. It reminded me of when I get together with my girlie friends, the only difference being that we are usually in a bar in London with a glass of Vino rather than in the country with a cuppa. But the chatting & subject matters were not dissimilar! I guess we’re more the Sex in the City age type whilst their more the Golden Girls era but fundamentally the same! As I chatted along with these lovely ladies I thought, I hope I’m like this with my friends in years to come, like my Mum was, just having a good natter & a laugh with my friends……
