The one and only Sheila D

2011 May 20

Created by Joel Murray 13 years ago
I remember the first time I met Sheila was when she came to visit Maria in Salford. As an 18 year old enjoying life away from home, I couldn't belive it when Maria told us all in the pub one day that her mum was coming to stay with her for a few days to see her little girl and what her life was like in Salford. The idea of your mum coming to stay with you at uni was just so unheard of, we all didn't believe it. Low and behold, a few days later, here she was, getting stuck into student life in sunny Salford and the time I remember most was when Maria brought her to our local boozer, The Griffin. Being the gent I am (and also trying to impress Sheila as I fancied Maria) I offered to buy her a drink. So, the conversation goes..... "What can I get you to drink Sheila?" me not knowing she was not a drinker. "I'll have a snowball, please." Says she. "A snowball, please." I say to the hairy Grant Mitchell lookalike barman (who wasn't that keen on scoursers). "A what mate?" was his reply. "A snowball, please." I quiver. "Sorry fellah, we've got Boddingtons." He mutters "No snowballs here, I'm afraid Sheila." I go over to tell her. "OK, a babycham will do." She replies. Flippin heck...I thought, but better make a good impression. I return to the bar, and ask for the babycham whilst colouring up. Guess what he said. I went back to Sheila. "Sorry, no babycham." I explained. "Malibu with lemonade?" was the next request. "Or lime cordial.... with tap water, please." "Great!" I said gleely, and headed back to the missing link behind the bar. "Any chance you've got Malibu?" He shook his head. "Ok, better make it a lime cordial please..", I splutter, nearly forgetting the tap water specification..."with tap water." One raised eyebrow later, I return with a battered drink laded tray, and we were all happy. Since then, I have always admired Sheila for her determination, adventure, principles and those little curly bits of hair that sprouted from the sides of her head, the things that Maria and I still call "Sheila Ds". God bless her, and let's all have a snowball: To Sheila!
